哈佛医学院麻省总医院教授,麻省总医院神经科学研究所副主任。致力于心脑血管、细胞治疗等方面的研究,曾先后主持多项美国NIH课题以及美国心脏协会等课题。在Nature Med, PNAS, J Clin Invest, CNS & NeurologicalDisorders-Drug Targets, J Neurosci, Stroke等杂志发表SCI论文80多篇
PHD, MD, professor of MassachusettsGeneralHospital,Harvard Medical Schoolanddeputydirector of theInstituteof NeuroscienceatMassachusetts General Hospital, focusing on cardiovascularandcelltherapy research. Undertakinga number ofprojects of NIHand the AmericanHeart Association. Morethan 80 publications in Nature Med, PNAS, J Clin Invest, CNS & Neurological Disorders-DrugTargets, J Neurosci, Stroke.